What if God, wanting to show his wrath and to make his power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, and that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of mercy, which he had prepared beforehand for glory. Romans 9:22-23 NKJV
These verses are very troubling to my soul. I am struggling with these right now and it is shaking my faith. Does God give us free will or are we predestined to whatever he chooses? Do we really make our own choice to follow God? Or is this a wicked scheme by god to just create the ultimate "movie" and watch it play out how he designed it? I don't want to believe the latter is true. Because that ruins everything, it ruins my whole life.
So I'm going to analyze it word by word.
Verse 22 in the Greek:
Ei: If
De: But, on the other hand, and
Thelon:will, wish, desire
Endeixasthai:show forth
Orgen:anger, wrath, passion
Kai:and, even, also
Gnorisai:make known, declare, know
Dynaton:powerful, able, possible
Enenken:carry, bear, bring, lead
En:in, on, among
Polle:much, many, often
Makrothymia:patience, forbearance
Skeue:a vessel to contain liquid, utensil, tackle, goods
Orges:anger, wrath, passion, steadfastly opposing something or someone
Katertismena:fit together, prepare, adjusted exactly down, mend, complete thoroughly, making him what he ought to be
Eis:in, into, among, till, for
Apoleian:destruction, ruin, loss, completely severed, cut off
What if, on the other hand, it was the desire of God to show forth his anger, and make known the power of himself, carrying on much patience, the vessels that he steadfastly opposed, making them what they ought to be till completely cut off.
Ok now to make complicated words easier:
vessel: a person who is a receiver of something
steadfast: firm
oppose: to act against, to stand in the way of
severed: to separate, to break off
What if it was God's desire to show his anger and make his power known, so he was very patient toward the people that he firmly was against, making them what they ought to be till completely cut off and destroyed.
I don't know. Thats what I came up with after analyzing it. Maybe the evil was already in their hearts which is why he was against them. Maybe God is saying here that because their hearts are already evil that they deserve and should be cut off and sent to hell. That he wants these evil people to know his anger and power. Maybe he didnt create them to be evil. Maybe they were just evil and chose to be evil and God just "adjusted" them. It was already in their heart so maybe he wasn't messing with free will? If you have insight please comment and leave your thoughts.
I don't know. Thats what I came up with after analyzing it. Maybe the evil was already in their hearts which is why he was against them. Maybe God is saying here that because their hearts are already evil that they deserve and should be cut off and sent to hell. That he wants these evil people to know his anger and power. Maybe he didnt create them to be evil. Maybe they were just evil and chose to be evil and God just "adjusted" them. It was already in their heart so maybe he wasn't messing with free will? If you have insight please comment and leave your thoughts.
If I may offer these resources to you these issues have also been rolling around in my head also. http://cdn.desiringgod.org/pdf/booklets/BTT.pdf http://www.desiringgod.org/sermons/by-topic/predestination
ReplyDeleteThanks, i listened to one of the sermons and glanced through the booklet. It seems very depressing. But some verses seem to contradict others